Police Security Products

Homeland Security

Perimeter Security


Heavy Spike Barrier
Causes irreversible damage to the wheels of a breaching vehicle. Designed against all types of vehicles.


Static Vehicle Inspection System

An advanced Vehicle Inspection System, designed to provide a security solution inspection the most vulnerable part of a vehicle ? the chassis bottom. His module was designed fixed for inspection vehicles entering security sensitive areas (governmental offices, Embassies, fuel and gas sites, boarder checkpoints, prison compounds, etc.).


Portable Vehicle Inspection System

Provides a three dimensional view of the vehicle?s bottom and allows for identification and prevention of smuggling objects into a secured area by way of attachment to the vehicle bottom. The system is equipped with one of the most advanced electronic eye system and is mounted. The system is comprised of three primary components: monitor, control panel and a screening conveyor equipped with a P.T.Z. camera site security / Access control Border crossings Airport Prison & Other high protection Establishments (Government Building) Rapid response mobile system for VIP protection.


Mobile Container Screening
Mobile X-ray inspection system for the recognition of goods. System setup / dismantling in less than one hour High through-put 24 Bit real time image processing Outstanding image quality. Good penetration with low radiation dosage.


Container Screening

Universal X-ray system for cars, vans, large size pallets and containers Excellent image presentation (optimal X-ray geometry) Outstanding image quality. Typical penetration 180200-mm of steel Large range of applications Dual view concept optional.